India's Premier Lifestyle Destination For Men.


Beat The Blues With Burgers…

Fresh tasty burger


We already know what you’re having for lunch today! 😛

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This burger was ready for its close-up. If we looked this good, we would be too!

Les Burgers de Colette burger
[Image Courtesy: Les Burgers de Colette]

Can you blame anyone for wanting double-patties?

[Image Courtesy: Micke Gustafsson]

With multiple choice questions… answers aren’t always easy to pick.

different types of burger
[Image Courtesy: HULKSMASHFOOD]

Presenting a gourmet version for those who think burgers are too LS for them (who are you people)!

Smoked burger
[Image Courtesy: DIEGO’S BURGERS]

Burgers and fries make us feel that everything is well with the world…

burgers with coke
[Image Courtesy: REDMAN Burgers]

We would die a happy death after eating this cheese fest!

Giant burger with a bottle of coke
[Image Courtesy: Good Food]


[Header Image Credit: Shutterstock]