Yami Gautam and Uri director Aditya Dhar got married a few months ago in an intimate ceremony. Many praised Yami for hosting such a simple and traditional wedding. Now, in an interview with ETimes, the actress has opened up about her husband.
“We actually love watching things together and then we discuss all that and it’s fun. We watch something nice and that’s how the day ends. No matter how long his day has been or mine, it has to end while watching something nice and we discuss it. The next day we also discuss the emotions of the actors, performances. We cab pick up and discuss anything, not just for that film but also generally. We are just curious, it is just nice that you can discuss these things with someone whose opinion matters to me a lot. I really look up to him. So, that’s how we explore ideas,” she said.
She also opened up about completing a decade in the industry.
“When I look back at all the films, I feel as if I have just made my debut in a lot of ways. I am happy now with the kind of work that is coming my way, or that I expect myself to do. There were certain things that I expected myself to do back then as well, but then there can be a difference in expectations and what you get! That’s life, it happens. But the good part is that I learned it and I learned it the hard way, which is the best way. In some way or the other, you will come across a hard time, but it was necessary. I’ve kind of reached a stage where I feel I don’t have anything to lose. Also, you have to have a reality check of where you stand and who you are,” she added.
[Featured Image Credit: Yami Gautam]
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