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Man’s Life’s Inaugural Cover Features The Hero Of The Masses, Sonu Sood

Sonu Sood Man's Life Cover Feature
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Sonu Sood may have been just another Bollywood actor before March 2020 but today, he is so much more. Despite his public declarations of “not being a Messiah”, Sonu Sood is viewed as a champion of the masses and a man of the soil by his legions of fans. The difference is that unlike other stars, his fanbase isn’t comprised of people who feel in love with a reel-life character. They comprise of people whose lives Sonu has saved, whose parents he’s arranged ICU beds and medicines for, whose sons and daughters have been given jobs by him and whose futures have been secured by his generous donations.

Hence, it is only fitting that Man’s Life inaugural cover features the hero who went beyond the screen and onto the ground. Sonu Sood graces our first ever cover and the honour is all ours. Keeping with our ideals, there is no one better than Sonu Sood to embody the perfect man. Because, as we all know, it’s easy to beat villains on screen but managing to save a life off-screen is what makes a man a hero.