The Karni Sena has awoken from their deep slumber again and to nobody’s surprise, their latest target is Bollywood – yet again. The Sena which caused havoc during the release of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat, has issued a warning to Akshay Kumar’s upcoming film, Prithviraj. What do they want now? A title change for the film. “How can they keep the title of the film as just Prithviraj when the film is based on the great Prithviraj Chauhan? We want the title to be changed to his full name and give respect to him,” said Surjeet Singh Rathore, president of the youth wing of the Sena.
That’s not all – Singh went as far as to say that the team will face similar treatment to that meted out to SLB. The Sena members had trashed SLB’s sets and even injured the famed director. “If they don’t listen to our advice they will have to face the consequences. What happened to Sanjay Leela Bhansali during Padmaavat, the makers of this film will have to be prepared for it, too,” he said.
[Image Credit: Akshay Kumar]
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